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    번역한 글들/성공 2016. 3. 4. 18:35

    22 ways to earn passive income
    Jeff Rose, GoodFinancialCents.com
    Dec. 18, 2015
    출처: http://www.businessinsider.com/ways-to-earn-passive-income-2015-12?utm_content=buffer5b2cc&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer

    9. 부동산 투자
    이것은 아마 반-수동적인 수입원으로 넣어야 할 것 같은데, 부동산에는 투자한다는 것이 언제나 최소한 모험에 가깝기 때문이다.
    This probably falls more in the category of semi-passive income, since an investment in real estate is always at least a little bit of an active venture. Still, once you have a property that is established and fully rented, it's mostly a matter of managing the property and keeping it performing well.

    Additionally, there are professional property managers who can manage your property for you, usually for around 10% of the monthly rent. This professional management can make the investment much more passive, but will take a bite out of your cash flow.

    According to Brandon Turner, an active real estate investor and co-host on the popular BiggerPockets Podcast,

    The key to success with rental properties is buying smart. Not every property is going to provide a good return or prove to be passive. Understanding how to analyze potential real estate opportunities is incredibly important. As the old adage goes — you make your money when you buy!

    Another benefit of investing in rental properties is the loan pay down. If you obtain a loan to buy the property, each month your tenants are paying off part of the loan. Once the mortgage on the property has been paid off, your cash flow will increase dramatically, allowing your mediocre investment to skyrocket into a full-fledged retirement program.

    It wouldn't take many paid-off properties to provide a pretty great, and mostly-passive, future for you and your family.

    Flickr / krispdk
    Buy or create your own blog.
    10. Buy a blog.
    Thousands of blogs are created every year, and thousands are either completely abandoned by their owners sometime afterward. If you can buy blogs with a reasonable amount of web traffic — as well as a demonstrated cash flow — it could be a perfect passive income source.

    Most blogs employ Google AdSense, which provides a monthly revenue stream based on ads that Google places on the site. There may also be affiliate programs generating additional revenue. Both income sources will be yours once you purchase the blog.

    From a financial perspective, blogs usually sell for 24 times their monthly income. So if the site generates $250 a month in income, you can likely buy it for no more than $3,000. Translation: a $3,000 investment will buy you $1,500 per year in cash flow.

    You may even be able to purchase the site for less than 24 months' earnings, if the site owner is particularly anxious to get out. Some sites have good “evergreen” content that will continue generating revenue even years after the site has gone silent.

    Bonus tip: If you were to buy such a site, and then to reinvigorate it with fresh content, you may be able raise the monthly revenue enabling yourself to sell the site at a later date for substantially more than what you paid for it.

    Finally, instead of buying a blog, you might want to create your own blog. You can make some money either way!

    Flickr / Alessandro Valli
    Write a book.
    11. Pay off a credit card (or two or three).
    Reducing a fixed expense is the financial equivalent of creating passive income. This is certainly true when it comes to credit cards. Let's say that you owe $10,000 on a credit card, on which there is a monthly payment equal to 2% of the balance, or $200 per month.

    By paying the card off, you'll be free up $2,400 per year in cash flow that would've gone to the monthly payments.

    That's like getting a guaranteed 24% return on a $10,000 investment. Good deal?

    12. Write a book and collect royalties.
    Much like writing an ebook, there's a lot of work upfront. But once that's done, and the book goes into the sales stage, it becomes a completely passive venture.

    This is especially true if you can sell the book to a publisher who will pay you royalties for the distribution and sale of the book. You'll get a percentage of each sale made, and if the book is fairly popular, the royalties could be substantial. Just as important, the royalties can continue flowing for many years.

    Mike Piper from OblivousInvestor.com did just that. He wrote a book, Investing Made Simple, which was sold strictly on Amazon. He had decent success with the first book that he created an entire series of book. Those books now net him over 6 figures per year. Not too shabby.

    Flickr / Tony Alter
    Sell someone else's product online.
    13. Set up a website selling a product.
    If there is a product that you are particularly knowledgeable about, you may be able to sell it on a dedicated website. The technique is similar to what you would use for your own product, except that you will not to be concerning yourself with product creation, but only with the sale of someone else's product.

    You may even find after a while that you are able to add other products that are related. Should that happen, the site could generate substantial revenues.

    If you are able to have the product drop shipped to customers directly from the manufacturer, you won't even have to get your hands dirty. That may not be 100% passive, but it's darn close.

    14. Invest in real estate investment trusts (REITs).
    In #10 we talked about investing in real estate. But let's say that you want to invest in real estate, but do it in a truly passive way. You can do that through a real estate investment trust. This is something like a mutual fund holding various real estate projects. The fund is managed by professionals, so you never have to get involved.

    One of the big benefits of investing in REITs is that they typically pay higher dividends than stocks, bonds, or bank investments. You can also sell your interest in a REIT anytime you like, which makes it more liquid than owning real estate outright.

    Sebastiaan ter Burg/Flickr
    Every small business needs referral sources to maintain sales.
    15. Become a business silent partner.
    Do you know of a successful business that needs capital for expansion? If so, you can become something of a small-time angel investor and provide that needed capital. But rather than offering a loan to a business owner, you instead take an equity position in the business. In this way, the business owner will handle the day-to-day operations, while you will act as a silent partner who also participates in the profits of the business.

    16. Become a referral source.
    Every small business needs referral sources in order to maintain sales. Make a list of small business providers that you use on a regular basis and feel you can recommend to others without reservation. Then contact the owners and see if they have any kind of cash referral offers available.

    You can do this with accountants, landscapers, electricians, plumbers, carpet cleaning services — the list is endless. Keep a list of these businesses, and be ready to refer them to your friends, family and coworkers. You can earn a fee on each referral just from talking to people.

    Don't overlook referral programs at work either. If your company offers a referral bonus for either new employees or for new customers, then take advantage of that plan. It's easy money with virtually no work.

    Read the original article on GoodFinancialCents.com. Copyright 2015.



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